Friday, October 23, 2015

Scary nights

         It was mid October night. She was walking down Salem Street at 11:30 p.m.  There was this navy blue pick up truck that passed by.  Not just once because she had seen it earlier that night.  She was less than a mile for her house, now walk a little faster than before but not jogging.  Then the truck passed by again, this time now she started to jog because she was getting freaked out about why this truck kept passing by repeatedly.    Now she was down the street from her hose and the truck came back again and it stopped next to her.  A man jumped out and scared her.  she screamed as loud as she could when he took off his mask she realized what day it was. It was October 30th, Halloween night. The person in the truck was her best friend who couldn't get in touch with her because her phone died.  After all the terror she experienced it went away because she was in the comfort of her best friend.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Resilient Jane


"You have no business to take our books;  you are a dependent mama says;  you have no money;  your father left you none;  you ought to beg, and not live here with gentlemen's children like us."  ( pg. 17 chapter 1)

I chose this quote to go along with my picture because ever since Jane was a little girl she has been put down by people.  But because she is so strong willed and determined to get what she wants, she 'takes the punches' and learns from them to get what she wants.  In my picture I drew a flower that has gone through rough weather but in the end, ends up stronger and more lively than before and that is what happens to Jane through out her journey of the book.


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

response to jane vol.3 ch 2-6

Jane compares herself to a stray dog when she talks to St. John.  Jane hasn't done this before and it shocked me.  It shocked me because even though she was brought up with money she didn't own any but she didn't really consider herself poor until now.  When she lived with her aunt she hated even the thought of being poor.  But now that Jane is older she has realized that there is some grace in being poor.  Being poor doesn't always mean that you don't have manners and that you are not educated.  It might show that you have gone through a rough patch as Jane has.  Jane is a strong willed person and she is very prideful as well.  Going through this isn't easy on her, but in the end I believe that it will make her a much stronger person. 

Friday, October 2, 2015

Places I call home

            My definition of home isn't like most.  Mine is where determination, hard work and the smell of sweat meet.  You might be thinking I'm crazy right about now but, I can assure you that I'm not.  These three things meet at my work.  I work at Evolution Basketball.  Every day I get to see kids from all different towns near and far.  Most come in smiling ready for practice or a private lesson.  Then there are the “Debbie downers” who come in not as happy because either their parents made them or they just didn’t want to come.  Not many “Debbie downers” come through the door though because Evo is such an amazing place. 
The coaches for one are always happy. I would know because I am one.  I love what I do; teaching younger kids how to hold a basketball in triple threat position or how to shoot properly.   Evo is where hard work meets fun.  The kids love to scrimmage and play games against each other.  That’s where the smell of sweat comes in.  Even though the kids are playing games most of the time they have a purpose to them.  A scrimmage teaches the kids how to square up to the basket and attack if it’s open or to cut into open space on the floor.  Even though they are working hard they are having fun while doing it. 
At Evo we have a little chant that we yell before we split into groups for skills and drills or before a game.  “Family on Three 1…2…3…  Family!”  This chant perfectly represents Evo.  We are all one big basketball playing family.  We post Instagram pictures together, tweet about our victories, and our “family” events.  Evo is where kids from other towns are welcomed with open arms to play basketball together.
I am a coach but I’m also a player.  I started playing for Evo in the fall of my sophomore year.  I was kind of hesitant to start.  But I was welcomed and treated as one who has been there for years.  It is an amazing experience.  Not only do you get to play basketball but you get to meet all these amazing people from surrounding towns and become friends with them. 
Thinking back I wish I would have started Evo earlier.  This is my final season and I’m the captain of my team.  Girls have joined and left but most of us have known each other for a while.  That’s what makes a team, a team.  Knowing each other’s strengths and weaknesses and playing to the strength during a game.  Playing with new people is hard because you don’t know how they play.  Being part of a team you learn a lot about each other. And that’s what I love about Evo you are family and family helps each other after a tough loss or even if you had a bad day, because those teammates and coaches turn into friends who care about you.
That is why Evo is my home.  I look forward to going into “work” every day after school and helping someone get what I got out of this outstanding program.