Monday, April 11, 2016

Without a Map Shunning post

April 11th, 2016

“Shunning is supposed to keep bad things from happening in a community.  But it doesn’t correct the life gone wrong.  It can only expose the transgression to a very raw light, use it as a measure, a warn to others…” (xi-xii).

I feel that shunning someone keep the sin that they have done to themselves, because if the sinner is off by themselves they would not be able to effect those who have not yet sinned and have the sinner influence them in a bad way . But can't we lean from those who have sinned? From her getting pregnant at such a young age and being all alone through it is extremely difficult. I wouldn't wish anything like that even on my worse enemy. Being an outcast in a place where you grew up with all your friends around you looking at you and avoiding you everywhere you go is so unimaginable to me. I would be so depressed and most likely leave because i would know its all my fault and there is nothing i could do to change so to try and fix it i would leave and try to start a new life where people would appreciate me and help me when i need it most instead of watching me struggle through my rough patches in life. if that was me i would hate everyone who i though were my friends and family because in the end they were the ones who would hurt me the most.


  1. I agree, Becs. Its baffling to me that they could do that with no questions asked. Especially friends like you said. Were they ever really your friends in that case? Were they worth everything you've ever done for you? No. You're supposed to support them. Through thick and thin. Is that what friends... and family.. is for.....???

  2. I really agree! Friends just don't shun each other, they are suppose to be their in your time of need! That is what the point of friends are. Even if it is not always a cake walk, you are suppose to be their for your friend. Whats the point of being friends if they wont be their in your time of need?!
